Friday, February 4, 2011

Piloting i guess..

Today heading to Air Asia Academy just to sit for the cadet pilot assessment. there were about 70 of us today. most of them were Chinese and Indian, only a few of us were Malay. I went there, as usual, same feelings ma...
looking around the premises, trying to chill and be cool coz this will determine my future as i want it to be. we were brought to the exam hall, it was quite cold inside. the 1st aper started at 9a.m, it was English. its ok. then Physics, also ok. Then follow up by Maths, huhuhuhu,,ok2 la...boleh la..haha. last parrt of it was the IQ test, i did a lot of IQ test in the intrnet, but none of it imitate the one i sat today. Damn!! nk bt mcm mane, if ade rezeki, x kemane..InsyALLAH..Lets Fly high.....=)), To be a pilot, even if you were not meant to be just relax.enjoy the day of your life ma. i love aircraft, i just wanna fill the voids. i must.yes i can. AND keep positive all the time!!! get the feeling. ul be touched.

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