Thursday, February 24, 2011

Health and Fitness

           The most precious gift to all the human beings is the health. Last weeks my brother and i join the tennis LTAM first leg at Jalan Duta. It was a straight 3 days tournament or maybe a carnival. There were single and double match. I partnered my brother. Total prize money owned RM200. Its cheap.
           After the carnival, i have a difficulty to stretch my chest muscle. I surf everywhere searching for the causes and effects of chest injury. I came across a website, its the lung cancer page. How come...I was despair as i thought i was suffering from cancer. i met a doc, he said its just a muscle problems. of course that has chilled me up!!! Im a smoker, a professional smoker, now on the 1st week of quitting smoking. more than 300 poisonous chemicals inside a rod. those chemicals can contribute to any illness such as muscle injury and short breath. Hopefully im able to achieve the target. Fly high and stop smoking. dream high!!!

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