Thursday, February 24, 2011

Health and Fitness

           The most precious gift to all the human beings is the health. Last weeks my brother and i join the tennis LTAM first leg at Jalan Duta. It was a straight 3 days tournament or maybe a carnival. There were single and double match. I partnered my brother. Total prize money owned RM200. Its cheap.
           After the carnival, i have a difficulty to stretch my chest muscle. I surf everywhere searching for the causes and effects of chest injury. I came across a website, its the lung cancer page. How come...I was despair as i thought i was suffering from cancer. i met a doc, he said its just a muscle problems. of course that has chilled me up!!! Im a smoker, a professional smoker, now on the 1st week of quitting smoking. more than 300 poisonous chemicals inside a rod. those chemicals can contribute to any illness such as muscle injury and short breath. Hopefully im able to achieve the target. Fly high and stop smoking. dream high!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

At Last =)

         Semoga Kerjayaku Diberkati oleh ALLAH SWT.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Tomorrow will be the day that will decide and determine my future career. it will be a day where Air Asia will email me regarding the results of the 1st stage that i attended previously. From 1000 applicants, only 500 shortlisted for the first stage and now for the second stage there will be only 120 candidates who will be shortlisted. so, its kind of uneasy for me. as far as i know, the physics, math and eng they are all simple and direct. the problem is the IQ one. The last paper of the 1st stage. Its totally bullshit. Its an IQ test used to identify weather you are qualify to be a pilot or not. So good luck!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Allah SWT tempatku bergantung...

Murahkanlah rezekiku pg ini ya Allah. Tunjukkanlah jalan kebenaran dan kebahgiaan kepadaku. AMIN.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tennis for the unemployed!! hehe =)

even though im unemployed..its always be my passion and enthusiasm to be a tennis player..if its not a pro..i would just satisfy as a state player years ago la..tonnes of friend networking can be set up and its not just playing..ive met frenz from evry corner of states, and that makes me more happy coz i have something to do..besides, to success dont just depend on a piece of paper(degree), it depends on how you define it.

                                                     representing UTM @ Masum.

                                                Putrajaya Double Championship!!! Semi jek...

                                          These are all the pioneer of Putrajaya tennis.=)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, maksudnya:
"Empat perkara di antara kebahgian seseorang iaitu hendaklah
isterinya seorang yang salih, dan anak-anak yang baik,
kawan-kawan yang jujur dan sumber rezeki dari negeri sendiri"
(Riwayat Ad-Dilmi)

after a long i realize..

its really difficult to get a job..unless you have what it takes i mean completely perfect. its about one out of thirty..same as my dream to be a 3 stripes pilot. sort of insider@cable needed so that ul success in this career. a friend of mind whose already a pilot once told me that dont day dreaming of becoming a pilot unless u have somebody inside the airlines. nowadays, private sectors wont even glance any letter of endorsement from the government. let say a minister wrote a letter to mas, mas would just throw away the letter. thats todays culture in Malaysia la. mutual needs needed. last year ive gone through the 1st stage cadet pilot selection at mas subang. 1st stage is all about the psychomotor test. those who r common with joystick might be able to pass the assessment. but still i failed. maybe because im quite eager to be in that position as a cadet pilot fully sponsored by mas. its ok..its part of my life in achieving my dream. next time il try better to control my emotion and feelings hopefully il pass all the assessment stages. currently waiting for the air asia 1st stage results that will come out on 12th. Hopefully it will be a XXX. InsyALLAH.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Piloting i guess..

Today heading to Air Asia Academy just to sit for the cadet pilot assessment. there were about 70 of us today. most of them were Chinese and Indian, only a few of us were Malay. I went there, as usual, same feelings ma...
looking around the premises, trying to chill and be cool coz this will determine my future as i want it to be. we were brought to the exam hall, it was quite cold inside. the 1st aper started at 9a.m, it was English. its ok. then Physics, also ok. Then follow up by Maths, huhuhuhu,,ok2 la...boleh la..haha. last parrt of it was the IQ test, i did a lot of IQ test in the intrnet, but none of it imitate the one i sat today. Damn!! nk bt mcm mane, if ade rezeki, x kemane..InsyALLAH..Lets Fly high.....=)), To be a pilot, even if you were not meant to be just relax.enjoy the day of your life ma. i love aircraft, i just wanna fill the voids. i must.yes i can. AND keep positive all the time!!! get the feeling. ul be touched.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saat2 sebelum menjadi kuli.