Friday, October 14, 2011

Life in Ipoh. Was the 1st time in full control of the aircraft. alone. my first solo.=)

It was the time i flew with an instructor for the solo check. alhamdulillah i passed the check. i was granted to do my first circuit solo. at the apron, preparing myself and the aircraft, il be flying the DA-40 9M-NRC. After all the radio call has been made i started taxing into the runway. then i kept praying so that il be safe. =)
it was 12 at noon. it was very gusty. before airborne my aircraft drifted. huhuhu. its ok as long as its airborne. at 70kts, positive roc, i retract the flaps. heres the fear arised. i felt the aircraft is sinking not as usual, i can see the road below me very close to me. if there was a lorry passing by for sure il hit it. hehehehe. i checked everything, loads, speeds, all is ok. then i just pray. trim up and alhamdulillah the aircraft climb. what came up to my mind was the aircraft ECU wasnt working very well. during the downwind its ok base turn and finally. during the final, there was crosswind. i determined and with all the preparations im confident i can land the aircraft. i used crab technique, during touch down theres slight drifting due to wind ( should correct it with one wheel touch first) but alhamdulillah there is no bouncing. huhuhu. what ever it is i can FLYYY!!!

fOndest One!!

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