Friday, October 28, 2011

Day by Day

i was home for the past few days. so many things passed. i feel like getting married la. once in a life or maybe twice.haha. Though i dont have any gf to be married i still have the feeling of it. erm, maybe igo and meet someone and ask for their daughter la. Sounds ridiculous. dont lie to yourself you as a guy of coz u wanna partner in your life. only God knows whol be with u for the rest of your life. herm. hehehehe. cannot sleep ma..
whatever it is, how much love you wanna put in your spouse bear in mind its only temporary. So, never love anyone or anything more than you love THE ALMIGHTY. easy to speak of it erm. thats the best for us as we are made from clay and only the brilliant one will keep remembering to Him. Life after death is another one. We as a muslim must be able to square the excellence in life and after life. we must keep praying for both of it. insyALLAH with Gods permissions we will achieve what we want to achieve. so all the teenagers out there who are still searching for the true meaning of life as a muslim, never turn back from hadith and sunnah. insyALLAH ul discover what uve been looking for. Asm and selamat malam. im taking off now. good luck my friends. =))) we care for our own generations.


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